Saturday 6 June 2020


Red and white aquilegia. Perhaps 'Red Hobbit'.
This flower is growing near where the wasps' nest was. It's on a small, untended piece of ground. I think it might be 'Aquilegia Red Hobbit'. How it got there is anyone's guess. But it's tall, pretty and impressive.

I went for another walk on the moor. Saw a lark, two curlews (or the same curlew twice) a walker in the distance and two cross-country cyclists wearing lycra and helmets who came bounding cheerfully down the track. It was VERY windy. Part of the 30 Days Wild Challenge is to be consciously aware of the weather. This afternoon we had hail followed by heavy rain. Couldn't miss it!

Badge and Link to 30 Days Wild 2020
Today's Random Act of
Wildness is to
be aware of the weather.
Have been thinking a lot.


That's all for today. 

Hope you are all having good days too. (Despite everything.)

Interesting Link
My phone doesn't accept apps. In case yours does . . . I came across this for identifying birds by their song. Chirpomatic. Has anyone tried it?


John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

What a splendid Aquilegia, far too fancy to be given the old country name of Granny Bonnets! My brother has a birdsong app which seems to be pretty good (by which I mean it usually agrees with my guesses!), it often gives a list of two or three possibilities but it can usually be whittled down by other factors such as habitat, time of year etc.

Lucy Corrander Now in Halifax! said...

Hello John. Yes. This aquilegia has a very 'cultivated' atmosphere compared with the (beautiful) traditional sort. Wondering if you might ask your brother which app he uses for birdsong. If it's different from the one I've put here I'll add a link in the post to that one too.

Linda said...

Lovely blooms, we have both thr wild and cultivated varieties in the garden.

Mike Robinson said...

Very pretty...

Natasha said...

Such a stunning bloom. Never seen one before.
The curlew and lark sound fascinating.

The cyclists make me dream of getting on the saddle and pedalling through nature. :)

Thank you.

Lucy Corrander Now in Halifax! said...

Hello Linda. I like aquilegia in all its forms.

Lucy Corrander Now in Halifax! said...

Hello Mike. It is pretty, isn't it.

Lucy Corrander Now in Halifax! said...

Hello Natasha. I hope you will be able to go cycling soon.

Flighty said...

Aquilegias are prolific self-seeders. xx